Dr. Mohd. Zakhiri Md Nor
Associate Professor Dr. Mohd Zakhiri is a Deputy Dean at the School of Law, Universiti Utara Malaysia. He has 14 years of experience as a university lecturer and 10 years of experience in Islamic finance Shariah advisory. Currently, he is a Shariah Committee Member of Ambank Islamic Bhd. He was appointed as the AIAC i-Arbitration Rules 2022 Revision Committee of the Asian International Arbitration Centre. He was also a Ceo@Faculty Fellow, a Flagship Program under Ministry of Education Malaysia. Previously, he was the Chairman of Shariah Advisory Board of Mizuho Bank, Shariah Committee Member of Agrobank, Shariah Committee member of The Islamic Economic Development Foundation (YAPEIM) and Co-opbank Pertama. He is also an Associate Member of the Association of Shariah Advisor in Islamic Finance Malaysia (ASAS), Member of Charted Institute of Islamic Finance Professional (CIPF) and Research Fellow at Institute for Managment and Business Research (IMBRe) and Fellow at Syariah and Business Law Research Unit of Universiti Utara Malaysia. Previously, he was a Research Fellow at Legal & Justice Research Centre. He is also an Islamic finance consultant to few legal firms, Editorial Board to Reputable Journals and a trainer in the area of Islamic finance. His area of research inter alia Islamic law of banking and finance, Islamic Capital Market, Takaful, Islamic Financial Technology Laws and Shariah studies. He holds a Ph.D in Islamic Finance from INCEIF (AACSB-Accredited). Earlier, he graduated from International Islamic University reading LLB (Hons), LLB (Shari’ah)(Hons), Master of Comparative Laws, Charted Islamic Finance Professional (CIFP) from INCEIF (AACSBAccredited). and Islamic Financial Planner from IBFIM. He is also a Syarie Counsel of Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur and was admitted to the Malaysian Bar in 2005. Scopus H-Index-04, WoS H-Index-01
- Establishment of Bukit Kayu Hitam as a Special Border Economic Zone (SBEZ): Global lessons
- Application Of Legal Realism In The Criminalisation Of Computer Crimes In Malaysia And Singapore