Editorial Team



INTSOB is an organization that has been established since 2014. We focus on the Development of border region. We believe that in this new paradigm, development of border areas has changed the direction of the development policies from “inward looking” to “outward looking”. 

We encourage many areas as a gateway of economic and trade activities with neighboring countries but still consider its critical role in maintaining state sovereignty of each countries.

Our event will be a public event of poster presentation to a larger audience of lecturers as the researchers, the creation and innovation, and dissemination of the research findings on empowerment and innovation in Border Area.

General objective of this seminar is to develop international cooperation on the border.

Specific objective is to explore what strategies to improve institutional strengthening in order to improve the welfare of local communities to explore the potential economic, social and cultural as well as geographical local benefits become a very strategic relationship with our neighbors.


  • Prof Dr. Eddy Jusuf Sp., Mkom
  • Prof. Dr. H. Didi Turmudzi, M.Si.

Chairman :

  • Prof. Dr. H. Bambang Heru Purwanto, M.S.

Board of Associate Editor

  • Prof. Dr. Kamarulnizam Abdullah (UUM Malaysia)
  • Prof. Dr. Shaleh Suryadi (UNPAS Indonesia)
  • Prof. Dr. Aelina Surya (UNPAD Indonesia)
  • Prof. Dr. Huseyn Bagci (Middle East Technology University)
  • Prof. Dr. Asman Taeli (Prince of Songkhla, Thailand)
  • Douglass Maclean, Ph.D (Georgetown University, Hong Kong)

Editor in Chief

  • Dr. Irma Rachmawati, SH., MH.
  • Hesti Septianita, SH., MH
  • Inamaro Sitanggang, SS


  • Ir. Putry Mety Zalynda, MT
  • Savitri Aditiany, S.S, MP.d
  • Asri


Prof Dr. Ir. H.  Eddy Jusuf Sp., M.Si., M.Kom. (Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia)

Prof. Dr. H. M. Didi Turmudzi, M.Si. (Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia)

Prof. Dr. Kamarulnizam Abdullah. (Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia)



Prof. Dr. Kamarulnizam Abdullah. (Universiti Utara Malaysia, Indonesia)

Prof. Dr. Shaleh Suryadi (UNPAS Indonesia)

Prof. Dr. Rusniah Ahmad. (Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia)

Dr. Mohd. Zakhiri Bin Md Nor (Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia)



Prof. Dr. Asep Warlan Yusuf, S.H., M.H. (Universitas Parahyangan, Indonesia)

Prof. Dr. Asman Taeli. (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)

Dr. Ahmad Masum. ( Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, Brunei Darussalam)

Dr. Seeni Mohamed Nafees. (South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka)

Desiree Lynette David. (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)




Prof. Dr. H. Bambang Heru Purwanto, M.S.

Dr. Irma Rachmawati, S.H., M.H. (Universitas Pasundan)


Rakhmat Haryono, SE., MM. (Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia)

Hesti Septianita, S.H., M.H. (Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia)


Dr. Ir. Putry Mety Zalynda, M.T. (Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia)

Rosa Tedjabuwana, S.H., M.H. (Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia)

Leni Widi Mulyani ,S.H., M.H. (Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia)

Article Publication:

Komang Monday Sari, S.Sos. (Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia)

Public Relation and Documentation:

Wawan Kurniawan, S.H., M.H. (Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia)